A Landscape of Delight
Trevor will be attending the Lecture "A Landscape of Delight" - The Rotunda, Pleasure Gardens and Assembly Rooms of Parnell Square by Graham Hickey, Dublin Civic Trust
Thursday 26th March 2015 at 6pm in the Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin 2
Public Lecture organised by the Dublin Decorative and Fine Arts Society
Focusing on the origins of Parnell Square, this richly illustrated talk will highlight the establishment of the Rotunda Hospital and its innovative New Gardens, Great Round Room and later Assembly Rooms. It will explore the architectural evolution of this largely overlooked complex through an appraisal of the remarkable collection of 18th and 19th century structures, landscapes and decorative interiors that still survive today - mostly hidden in plain view. It will also question the future of this nationally important site and how it may be reinvented for Dublin in the 21st century.